Matt and Hanna Rose have followed Jesus together for over 10 years. They along with their children, Lukas (7) and Mikah (4) moved to their new home in Buckeye, AZ to plant Orbit Church in February 2023. They believe God has called them to meet people where they are and help them revolve their lives around Jesus.
After finishing seminary, Matt has spent the last several years doing ministry in the South and the Midwest in administrative, creative and teaching capacities. His desire is to take the Bible (full of depth) and communicate it in a way that is accessible to those who might be walking into church for the first time.
During this time, Hanna became a Licensed Professional Counselor and works at Connect Couples Therapy, a Charlotte and Phoenix based firm.

God started giving Pastor Matt and Hanna Rose a vision in September of 2021: One where people were revolving everything around Jesus. He wasn’t compartmentalized, He was centralized. People were literally (in Him) living, moving and having their being; eating, drinking to the glory of God; working, chilling, Netflixing, parenting, husbanding, wifing. They were defaulting to His will, not their own.
The moon, for example, doesn’t have to think about revolving around the Earth. The Earth doesn’t think about revolving around the sun. They just do! That’s what we want:
We want to see people get INTO ORBIT
in their relationship with God…where this is what they do. I might help them get started, but, at some point, the thrusters fall off and their connection to God is no longer contingent on a preacher, church people, or an abundance of blessings in their life.
The Rose's sat on this vision until April of 2022 when God pointed them in a direction: to a city with almost 5 million people, growing by 100,000 people a year; where only 12.6% are evangelical christian; a Valley full of people who desperately need to put Jesus at the center of their lives.

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© 2023 by Orbit Church.